Meet the crew!

Adam Laurie

Adam Laurie solemnly swears to draw one new zombie every day for the year 2011.


Bryan Perozo

Bryan Perozo solemnly swears to take at least one photo every day for the year 2011.

Kyle Kesterson

Kyle Kesterson solemnly swears to doodle at least one new doodle every day for the year 2011.

Lars Amhoff

Lars Amhoff solemnly swears to take at least one photo every day for the year 2011.


Mihai Cernusca

Mihai Cernusca solemnly swears to doodle at least one doodle every day for the year 2011.

Mr. Yew

Dan Savage
Mr. Yew solemnly swears to do something creative every day for the year 2011.


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    The Oath

    In the past, it's been known that us creatives claim that we will do a daily contribution and keep up with it, but alas life gets in the way and we fail.

    We need some accountability, harassment & encouragement!

    That's why Adam Laurie, Bryan Perozo, Kyle Kesterson, Lars Amhoff and Mihai Cernusca have made a blood oath that we will indeed do at least one doodle, zombie or take one new picture and post it here each day. 3 strikes and we fail. Last man standing gets everlasting life.

    Please feel free to harass, encourage and crit to give us the juices to follow through to the end of the year!

    The Collective

    Adam Laurie

    Adam Laurie is currently situated in Ye Olde England studying Fine Art at Bolton University.
    His obsession with the un-dead blurs the lines of legality.

    Bryan Perozo

    Bryan Perozo is a freelance Designer & Photographer from the Dominican Republic.
    He drinks a lot of coffee and likes it dark.

    Kyle Kesterson

    Kyle Kesterson is the co-Founder of Giant Thinkwell, a tech start up in Seattle that's creating the next-generation fanclub.
    He makes fun of everything.

    Lars Amhoff

    Lars Amhoff is the creative mind behind his brainchild chameleon brand, The Substain.
    He is currently trying to reach photographic Nirvana.

    Mihai Cernusca

    Mihai Cernusca is a Chicago based technical designer & developer currently working in the mobile space.
    He is a compulsive doodler.

    Guest Contributors



    January 2011